It feels like the end of holiday season now that autumn is approaching. In my courses I often talk about how, as humans, we often are on countdown to our holiday, wishing it here as fast as it can be. We often rush around beforehand to get everything done.
Do you tend to find yourself desperately wishing your holiday to come round and then by the time it does you feel exhausted? You then may struggle to wind down or even get ill for the holiday from being so run down? I know this has happened to me multiple times! You might be wondering how this links to mindfulness! Well, in my experience, practising regular mindfulness gives me the opportunity to calm my mind the same way as a holiday does. I’ve found that by doing it often it helps me to take control of my thoughts (which are often exhausting being a chronic over thinker!!) and just “be” a little bit more. Practising formally using a guided meditation or just informally noticing any of my senses tends to give me that content and  peaceful feeling whenever I need it.
So, it may currently be more a case of feeling the cooler breeze, noticing the leaves changing colour or listening to traffic rather than feeling the sun on my skin, eating that ice cream and looking at the sea but I find it still gives me similar benefits!
You might like to do some practise today to give your brain a mini holiday – give it a try!
Emma x